About Us


Building business in aberdeen

About The ADC

The Aberdeen Development Corporation is a private non-profit corporation with the mission to advance Aberdeen and the Northeast South Dakota Region for all. Business retention, expansion, and job growth are critical for creating a vibrant and thriving community. We leverage resources to make Aberdeen, South Dakota, the choice for people and businesses. Our primary areas of focus are New Business Recruitment, Business Retention & Expansion, Entrepreneurship, and Advocacy & Lobbying.


Mission Forward Strategic Plan

In 2021, five Aberdeen community-centered non-profit organizations underwent a strategic planning process to identify strategies on how we can best serve and grow the Aberdeen community. The organizations that participated were the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce, Aberdeen Convention & Visitors Bureau, Aberdeen Downtown Association, United Way of Northeast South Dakota, and the Aberdeen Development Corporation. As part of the strategic plan, each organization received its own individual work plan as well as a piece in the group plan.

Historical Growth & Development

The Aberdeen Development Corporation was founded in 1955 by a group of visionaries recognizing the need to entice new businesses and industries to the Aberdeen area. These five civic-minded citizens included: Bernard F. Martin, Robert F. Gorder, N. P. Wenge, Henry J. Schmitt, and Chester Lind.

The Aberdeen Development Corporation began developing properties in the early 1960s. The first was the Aberdeen Industrial Park. Vertex Company, later purchased by Cardinal Tool, was the first company to locate in the park in 1963. In 1967, the park was further developed with streets, sewer, water and streetlights.

The first Executive Vice President was Gus Ruland, followed by Dave Cady, Frank Kraft, Cal Engel, Jim Barringer, and Michael Bockorny. Tim Hanigan is currently at the helm.

The Aberdeen Development Corporation is a 501 C(6) nonprofit corporation. Download our Overview & Policies for additional information about our organization.

2023/2024 Quarterly Reports:

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